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TOPIC: Controversial Topics

Tips for Selecting a Topic

Here are some basic tips for selecting a topic for any research paper.

Choose a topic that interests you. If it's something you like, you'll enjoy it.

Make sure that your topic is not so broad that you are overwhelmed with information.

Make sure that your topic is not so narrow that you can't find enough information.

Limit your topic to a time period if necessary. For example, 2, 5 or 10 years.

Limit your topic to a geographical area if necessary. For example, the United States or Kentucky or Louisville.

Consider how much information you need. For example, your professor may require 3 scholarly articles, 1 book, and 1 newspaper article. It's best to know what you need before you even start looking.

Start your research early to eliminate stress and anxiety.

Topic Ideas


If you haven't chosen a topic yet, there are many places to get ideas.  The Barksdale Library recommends these three:

Check the following websites for more ideas:

  •  - Website which promotes critical thinking, education, and informed citizenship by presenting research on controversial issues in a straightforward, nonpartisan, and primarily pro-con format.
  • Hot Topic Guides - Lists of research guides on hot topics from St. Ambrose University.
  • Rand Corporation – a nonprofit institution that addresses the challenges facing the public and private sectors around the world.  Their website contains research and hot topics.

Remember that your topic may have to fit specific guidelines set by your instructor, and that you may have to broaden, narrow, or change the focus of your topic as you find more information.