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Borrowing Library Materials

Come check out all of our cool resources in the Library.


The Circulation Desk at Barksdale Library is the place where all items are checked out and checked in.  Present your campus picture ID at the Circulation Desk, along with the materials you wish to check out.  The due date will be stamped on each item.  All materials checked out must be returned to the Circulation Desk on or before their due date.  Fines are paid here and items can be renewed at the Circulation Desk.  Periodicals and reference books do not circulate.  We love helping people and will answer your questions about our services.

A current Student ID Card, Faculty / Staff ID, or community patron card is required to check out items in the LRC.


DCC students must present either a DCC Student ID card or a driver’s license in order to borrow materials from the Mary M. Barksdale Library. Students who present a driver’s license must also give their EMPLID number to the librarian in order to check out materials. 

Loan Periods:

  • Books  - 14 days
  • CDs  - 14 days
  • DVDs -  2 days
  • Shaver Film Collection - 2 days

Some items in the Library cannot be checked out. Periodicals (magazines, journals, and newspapers) and reference books (works such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, and almanacs which are in the Reference Collection) are for in-library use only.

Renewals:   Books may be renewed one time. Borrowers can renew books by either calling the Library at (434) 797-8405 or by coming into the Library. Renewals must be made on or before the due date. Books cannot be renewed if they are overdue. The Library does not renew DVDs.

Fines:   The Mary M. Barksdale Library does not charge fines. However, borrowers who have overdue items cannot check out additional items until all overdue items have been returned.

Number of items:
DCC students can borrow 10 items.    Community Borrowers can only borrow 5 items.

Borrowers can check out a maximum of 2 CDs at a time. Only 1 DVD from the Video Circulating Collection or the Shaver Film Collection can be borrowed at a time.

Overdue and Unreturned Materials

No late fines are charged at Barksdale Library; however, as a reminder, students and community borrowers will receive four overdue notices when library materials have not been returned by the due date. The first four notices will be sent to the e-mail address on file.  When the fifth and final notice is emailed and snail mailed, the student account will be blocked, which means they will not be able to receive a financial aid refund, register for new classes, or obtain an official college transcript until the library materials have been returned or replacement costs have been paid.  The unreturned materials are considered lost and a replacement cost is added to the student’s account.  The replacement cost reflects the purchase price of the materials.

DCC student and community borrowers who have overdue materials checked out to them cannot borrow additional materials until all overdue items have either been returned or paid for if lost or damaged beyond repair.  If community borrowers had materials overdue for more than 60 days past the due date but returned them, they will not be allowed to check out materials for a period of 30 days after the overdue item(s) has been returned or paid for.    

Please note that according to The Code of Virginia, unreturned library materials are considered a theft of public property of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 

Borrowing Materials from Other Libraries

AKA:  Interlibrary Loan
If a DCC student needs a book or a copy of a periodical article which is not available in our library, the student can request the item through Interlibrary Loan. Through Interlibrary Loan the DCC Library will borrow books and request copies of articles from other libraries. A maximum of 5 items may be requested at a time. Come to the Circulation/Reference Desk to fill out an Interlibrary Loan Request Form.

Reserve Materials

Materials which faculty place on reserve are located behind the Circulation/Reference Desk. Come to the Desk and ask a librarian for the items you need. Most reserve items are for in-library use only, they cannot be taken out of the LRC.   The Biology faculty place slides on reserve, and microscopes to view the slides are available in the Periodicals Room.

The borrowing period on Course Reserves is determined by the Instructor. Course Reserves must be used in the Library unless allowed otherwise by Instructor.

The Anatomy and Physiology instructors have a variety of items on reserve, including a skeleton, bones, and anatomical models, such as the eye, the ear, the heart, etc. All of these items are located in the Periodicals Room. A sign-in sheet is available in the Periodicals Room for students to write their names and check the Anatomy and Physiology items they are using.   

Community Borrower Library Cards

Community members who would like a library card can come to the Circulation Desk with a current photo ID and proof of residence in the library's service district to receive a library card that gives them access to the library's print and DVD collection.   Patrons must be at least 16 years old and must live in the DCC service region.  Community borrowers are required to show some form of picture identification before a library card can be issued.  A driver's license is the preferred type of identification.  Other forms of identification include a military ID, a Virginia ID, or a school ID card with a photo on it.   There is no fee for library cards.  Community borrowers will be asked to fill out an application with appropriate current contact information, including an active email address.  Community borrowers who lose their library cards must pay $1.00 for a new library card.