At the Barksdale Library we offer several services to Faculty.
This is a listing of services that we provide. Click on a tab header above or a link below to find out more about each.
Resources for a course or department on campus.
Our Research Guides are a way to share library and research information and provide a starting point for students doing research for assignments.
Many guides recommend resources for finding information such as books, e-books, databases, or relevant websites for research and other guides provide tutorials and how-to find resources.
The Barksdale Subject Guides generally cover a specific subject or discipline, and can be created for a specific class. Any of these guides can be embedded in Canvas. Interested in having us create a specific guide for your class? Email Jennifer Walz.
Select from the list below to see one from your area.
Find all our electronic resources. Select from the list below.
Online databases contain ebooks, audiobooks, scholarly / academic journal articles, magazine articles, newspapers, encyclopedias, and streaming access to full-length features movies as well as educational material.
For a full list of databases see the menu below:
Every academic department on campus can order library materials (books, DVDs, ebooks, etc) for the Barksdale Library collection.
The process starts with an idea for materials. Just fill out the form below and let us know what you want. We then process the request and place an order. When the material arrives, we process the materials and let you know that they have arrived.
Let us know as much information about the items that you want as possible.
Textbooks, resources, helpful content for classroom use.
Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or are under copyright that have been released under an open license, that permit no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, adaptation and redistribution by others.
OERs are any type of educational materials that are in the public domain or introduced with an open license. The nature of these open materials means that anyone can legally and freely copy, use, adapt and re-share them.
See more information on our helpful guide about OER and how to use them in the classroom.
Copy and paste into syllabi. The links will copy with the text.
DCC Barksdale Library Resources & Services:
All DCC students have access to library services and resources through Barksdale Library. The library is located on the 2nd floor of the Clement Learning Resources Center. Many things are available online anytime through the library website:
This includes access to over 150 online library databases.
Not sure where to begin? Start with the Library Basics Tutorial or a research guide.
Need help citing sources? Use the How to Cite Sources guide.
To get help using these resources and doing research, stop by the library, schedule an appointment with a librarian using Navigate in myDCC or contact the library at or call 540-453-2247. You can also read library FAQS and get help anytime through the Ask a Librarian chat service.
Please don’t hesitate to contact the librarians with questions or requests. They are happy to help you!