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Search databases effectively Tutorial

How to locate Scholarly Journal Articles, through one of the most popular Databases.

Boolean Operators

Boolean Operators are used in database and Internet searches to filter and improve results. They define the relationships between words and phrases so that your search will be more effective and retrieve more relevant results.

Other Databases for Articles

Using Keywords

Why Use Databases

What is a scholarly database? 

A scholarly database organizes the best quality, most relevant information for a field or discipline in one place so it can be searched. Because there is so much scholarly research and so many different fields, databases specialize in which kinds of information or tools they provide. 

Why use a scholarly database? 

Scholarly databases take into account the important publications and research methods of a field or discipline. The database helps you make choices about which articles you want to see - by subject, dates of publication, overall topic, and more. Google and Google Scholar, while vast, do no quality control on the content they provide or give you good tools to narrow your focus.