Scholarly articles will be located in databases. You can narrow searches to peer reviewed academic journals.
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Evaluating Information from a Citation
First, make sure you are looking at the most detailed version of the citation/ abstract that is available to you.
Then dig for specifics:
Sample article record from one of the library databases:
You will notice that the author is from an educational institution; the article was published in August 2009; it has 19 cited references; and the article is 11 pages long. In addition, even though this article was published in August 2009, it has already served as a source for another article, as designated by "Times Cited in this Database."
To ensure that the journal is peer-reviewed, you read more about it on the journal publisher’s website or ask a librarian!
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Most of the article databases available at Barksdale Library provide a way to limit search results to peer-reviewed publications. Look for a checkbox or drop-down menu item that says one of the following:
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