Pull everything together to share your argument and your evidence. Tie ideas from your sources together with your own thoughts and analysis to make a compelling case.
MLA Style guide document from the Barksdale Library. Based on the 9th edition. Created by your friendly Librarian at DCC. This resource includes MANY examples of citations for every kind of resource.
APA Style guide document from the Barksdale Library. Based on the 7th edition. Created by your friendly Librarian at DCC. This resource includes MANY examples of citations for every kind of resource.
Helpful guide on citing all kinds of sources in MLA style. Plenty of examples and links to additional resources. Helpful tools to create citations on the fly.
This thorough guide shows you how to cite references in current (9th edition) MLA style. Includes plenty of examples, document templates, and annotated bibliography instructions.
OWL from Excelsior is an excellent resource that offers assistance for writing skills and more, including examples for APA and MLA styles. This site contains exercises and tutorials.
Handouts, resources, and helpful tools for writing a paper, citation styles, various types of writing assignments, and how to write for specific contexts.