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TOPIC: Physics

Why Internet Resources?

You may find a wide variety of information from the Internet. Carefully choosing and using the Internet resources can be very beneficial to your research.

Be aware that information on the internet is not regulated for quality or accuracy, so it is important for you to evaluate the source. Try the evaluation criteria on "Evaluating Sources" to decide when it is appropriate to use that information.

Web resources can be web pages and documents on the internet that provide useful information. 

Examples include: 

  • Information on government agencies and non profit organizations
  • Current information on weather, news, or sport scores
  • Videos, podcasts, blogs, images, statistics, etc.




Recommended Web Sites for Spectra and 

Spectrum-related Information



Feynman's Lectures & Writings

The lectures on physics by Richard Feynman, given in 1964 at Cornell University and are available now online for free here

Lecture titles are as follows:

  1. Law of Gravitation - An Example of Physical Law
  2. The Relation of Mathematics and Physics
  3. The Great Conservation Principles
  4. Symmetry in Physical Law
  5. The Distinction of Past and Future
  6. The Quantum Mechanical View of Nature
  7. Seeking New Laws

Selected Web Resources

  • AIP Center for History of Physics

    "AIP's Center for History of Physics works to preserve and make known the historical record of modern physics and allied sciences." Under the "Resources" menu, the website provides online exhibits and oral history interviews. The "Array of Contemporary American Physicists" links provides biographies of American modern physicists, a list of related institutions and topic guides.

  • Contributions of 20th century women to Physics

    "An archive presenting and documenting some important and original contributions made before 1976 by 20th century women." Although this site is rather dated (copyright 2001), it provides very useful information on women physicists of the 20th century.

  • Eric Weisstein's World of Science

    Eric Weisstein's World of Science is an encyclopedia for physics, astronomy, scientific biography, and chemistry. Click on the physics icon to search and browse this resource.

  • Khan Academy--Physics Videos

    "With a library of over 3,600 videos on everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice."

  • Physics Central

    Physics Central includes information on physics topics and news.

  • Physics Today

    "Physics Today Online serves as Physics Today's home on the Internet, presenting the magazine's digital edition and continually building a valuable online archive. In addition, PTOL extends the magazine's coverage of the physical sciences with the daily edition, unique online content from our editors and contributors."


    Search's database of 4,000 physics websites. It also includes feature articles and commonly asked questions.

  • Physlink

    "The is a comprehensive physics and astronomy online education, research and reference web site."

  • The Nobel Prize in Physics

    Includes facts, articles, and video interviews and lectures.