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TOPIC: Welding

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Why Books?

Scholarly books, in either print or electronic format, remain important sources for researchers. They are a good source of:

  • Comprehensive research data and findings
  • Key concepts and terminology
  • illustrative materials, such as graphs, images, tables
  • References, indexes, and literature surveys or reviews

Key Features of Books:

  • Are written on a broader, general subject
  • Include many references or citations to other similar work in the field
  • Uses discipline specific terminology, methodology, theory
  • May contain a collection of related chapters by different authors
  • Contain less recent information

Remember: you may only need to read one chapter of a scholarly book!

Subject Headings

This is a list of suggested terms to use in a search for Welding Technology resources in the Library Catalog:

  • Electric Welding
  • Welded Joints
  • Welded Steel Structures
  • Welding
  • Welding -- Automation
  • Welding -- Drawings
  • Welding -- Notation
  • Welding -- Safety Measures
  • Welding -- Technique

Browse for Print Books

Print books may be found by using the library catalog.  Browse the call numbers in the areas listed below to find print books on the shelf at the Library.

Books are arranged on the shelves in the library by subject. We use the Library of Congress Classification System to assign call numbers to our materials so that materials on similar topics are next to each other on the shelves and patrons and staff can easily find what they need. You need to know a book's call number in order to get it off the shelf in the library.

Books within this subject area may be found within the following call number ranges:

Welding Technology Call Numbers
Arc Welding TK4660-7725
Metal sculpture NB 1220
Metalworking TT205-267
Metallurgy TN600-799
Welding TS 227
Metal manufactures. Metalworking TS200-770
Mechanical drawing. Engineering graphics T351-385
Machine shops and machine shop practice TJ1125-1345

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