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TOPIC: Welding

Guide Index
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Jennifer Walz
Instruction & E-Resources Librarian

My favorite thing to do? Help people!

Guide to Welding Resources

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This guide has been created by librarians at Danville Community College to help you find books, articles, videos, and other types of resources related to this program of study.

If you have any questions or need help finding information on your specific information, you can contact a librarian.

Explore this Topic

Before you develop your research topic or question, you'll need to do some background research first.

Some good places to find background information:

  • Your textbook or class readings
  • Encyclopedias and reference books
  • Library databases
  • Credible websites

Try the library resources below to explore your topic.  When you're ready, move on to finding more resources.

Find Background Information:

These are general resources that you should consult FIRST to gain background information on a subject.  The list of titles below is a SAMPLING of those that we have in our collection.  Check the rest of this guide for many more useful resources.

Career Information

  • Occupational Outlook Handbook 
    • Publication of the United States Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics that includes information about the nature of work, working conditions, training and education, earnings, and job outlook for hundreds of different occupations.
  • Go Welding
    • Resource for Welding Education, Certification, Careers and more!

  Certification/ Test Prep